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News published in 2010



A first Vietnamese cursillo in Germany
Logo de la paraoisse vietnamienne de Paris

The Cursillo Movement is flourishing in the Vietnamese diaspora, not only in the Asia/Pacific area but in North America and Europe as well. Such is the case, among others, in France. The Cursillo Movement was introduced to the Vietnamese community in France in 1993. After 26 Cursillo weekends, there are now (in 2010) about 1000 cursillistas of Vietnamese origin in France.

Recently, cursillistas from this Vietnamese diaspora in France went to Stuttgart, Germany, to implement the Cursillo Movement. On August 27-29, a first Cursillo in Vietnamese language has been given there with great success.


Ongoing debate on "The Fundamental Ideas"
Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement
Photo d'Eduardo

Attached to its Monthly Letter of June 2010, the OMCC published a document entitled:


The debate around the two points of view on the history and charism of the Cursillo Movement is still very topical. An extensive survey on this subject has been going on and is still ongoing with all levels of the organization

The committee appointed to study the survey results and make recommendations to the OMCC regarding a possible update of the manual "Fundamental Ideas" meets regularly. According the the July 2010 Letter of the OMCC, it seems that this committee is about to submit its report. Possibly in November.


OMCC April 2010 Newsletter

All Correspondence to:


Postal address:
Attn: OMCC 52

Tel: +61 7 3856 6887
Fax: +61 7 3137 0262

OMCC Executive:
Yvonne Carrigan, President
Rev Dr Adrian Farrelly, Sp Advisor
Margaret Morris, Secretary
Derek Moylan, Vice President
Peter McMahon, Treasurer


OMCC Coordinators:
Tam Nguyen, APG
Hans Hans Perschtold, GECC
Alberto Stang, GLCC
Gail Terrana, NACG


April 14th 2010

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I share with you the following “.....................There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, by the encounter with Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with Him.”
These words were taken from a homily that Pope Benedict XVI gave in April, 2005.

We hope that our sharing with you over the past 3 months has introduced you to more Cursillo friends. We now enter the joy filled Easter season, where we pray the Risen Christ has renewed your confidence in his omnipotent presence.

Charisms whether extraordinary or simple and humble, are graces of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefit the Church, ordered as they are to her building up, to the good of men, and to the needs of the world. Charisms are to be accepted with gratitude by the person who receives them and by all members of the Church as well.(Catechism of the Catholic Church 799) The Charism of the Cursillos in Christianity Movement is focused and based on the love of God for each person. There are elements that characterize the Charism of our Movement. We urge you to take time to discover, or rediscover, and understand the richness in these elements.

The Cursillo world continues to spread the Gospel through the personal witness of our lives – striving as we do to balance our Piety, Study and Action. We commend to you Palanca – for many causes, but in particular for the 3 day Cursillos which are planned in Diocese throughout the world.

The Cursillo of Cursillos which has been given in Spanish for many years, was first given in English in Majorca in 2007. Since then, Australia, Canada and the USA have held English language Cursillo of Cursillos. Guidelines for these weekends are now available and we encourage as many English language Diocese as possible to use this tool. It does not matter how long or short a time since we each lived our Cursillo, there is always something to learn.

Some events coming up to put in your Palanca lists are: The regional meetings of our International Groups;

As advised by the GLCC the following are already planned.

  • Southern Cone countries – 4-6 June in Mar del Plata
  • Meeting of Spiritual Advisors in Latin American countries 27-30 July in Mar del Plata – Argentina.
  • Bolivarian countries – 11-12 September
  • Central, Northern and Carribean countries 27-28 November in the Dominican Republic

Some news about the Asian Congress for the Laity in Seoul in September.

  • We have completed the questionnaire from the PCL required for this meeting.
  • Our 4 person OMCC delegation will be; Fr Adrian, our Spiritual Advisor; Tam Nguyen – Vietnam in Diaspora, Francisco Kim - Korea, and myself. {2 of our delegates must be Asian born.}

Please pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit as we represent our brothers and sisters in Cursillo.

We are in the process of planning the First Ordinary Meeting of the OMCC. We will advise you of our plans after consultation with the Executive Committees of the International Groups.

The progress of Fundamental Ideas Revision is of some concern to you all. This we understand. Our efforts are directed to sending the relevant material to the commission members as soon as possible. When this is done, we can plan a meeting of the commission. Our biggest problem is the financing of such a meeting. We will place this problem before the Lord, then use our commonsense to find a solution.

Margaret, our Secretary, has been busy updating and preparing the latest OMCC Directory. Thank you for your contributions. We will keep working on this to complete it as soon as possible. Reading of the past directories has been of help in our compilation.

As we have not had any requests for particular topics for our monthly newsletter, we will continue to introduce our International Groups, with some of their history. Any suggestions you have will be readily considered.

As an Executive we are holding monthly meetings via Skype, and have regular e-mail contact with each other. The only time consuming factor is the necessity to have most of our correspondence translated.

During this joyous Easter Season I invite you to pray each day to the Holy Spirit for a renewed outpouring of his power, energy and gifts upon our beloved Cursillo Movement.

Until next month. May your lives be filled with many bright colours.

De Colores

Your sister and friend in Christ.

OMCC President


Current members of the NACG Executive Committee

carte de l'Amérique du Nord et Caraïbes


Gail Terrana, president

Tony Escamilla, Vice President

Fr Einer Ochoa, Spir. Advisor

Tony Hernandez, Secretary


OMCC Executive:
Yvonne Carrigan, President
Rev Dr Adrian Farrelly, Sp Advisor
Margaret Morris, Secretary
Derek Moylan, Vice President
Peter McMahon, Treasurer


OMCC Coordinators:
Tam Nguyen, APG
Hans Hans Perschtold, GECC
Alberto Stang, GLCC
Gail Terrana, NACG


March 10th 2010

To our Brothers and Sisters in Cursillo


De Colores! Once again the time has gone swiftly between newsletters! We have received much correspondence and have endeavored to respond quickly. If we have omitted any replies please excuse us, and give us a gentle reminder!!

These last few weeks we have been given many opportunities to speak to the Lord about our brothers and sisters throughout the world. In South America – especially with the human tragedies in Chile and Haiti; in Europe with flooding and quakes in Spain, Germany, Portugal and France.

We ask God to comfort and strengthen those communities, governments and individuals affected by these events; to grant them courage in their trials, and hope for the future. Let us offer continuous prayer and Palanca.

We send our newsletter each month in English, and in Spanish. Because we are an English speaking group with no other fluent language skills between us, and because the majority of Australians speak only one language, we have to find translators for most correspondence. Praise God, every one is willing to help and we now have a small roster of translators. Thank you for your acceptance and understanding.

Our work on the Directory has commenced, with a copy of the current directory sent to all International Groups for updating and corrections. We will keep you informed.

The Fundamental Ideas Commission programme is under review by our Executive. Pray for us, please, as we work to find a smoother and faster way forward with this project.

This month we introduce the members of the NACG executive committee.

Tony Escamilla, Vice President :

Hi, my name is Tony (Antonio) Escamilla. If it is not apparent by my name, I am the son of Spanish immigrants to the USA and as such I am bilingual (Spanish and English). I live in Northern Kentucky in the Diocese of Covington with my wife Mary Beth and my beautiful 15 month old daughter Elena. I lived Cursillo in Covington in 1984 and have served the Cursillo community in the Diocese of Covington in varies roles. I most recently served our community by being a member of the Region IV service team for the last 4 years. I am humbled and astonished that God has asked me to serve our community on a global level. My prayer is to be the good and faithful servant He has called.

Tony Hernandez, Secretary :

I began my Cursillo journey in September 1967 in Miami Florida. I attended School of Leaders regularly and served on various Cursillo weekends in the capacity of table professor. In 1992, I served as Rector for the first time. We then moved to Fort Worth, Texas where I have served in various capacities on the Secretariat, including Lay Director from 2005-2008; as well as serving on weekends including twice as Rector. I have been married to my wife Yolanda for 42 years; we have two sons and one daughter, all married. On November 1, 2009, we became grandparents to Alexander Christian, an adopted child whom we love dearly. Due to my Cuban background, I look forward to working with my brothers and sisters from the Caribbean, as well as all of North America. May God bless us all as we seek to do His will.

Fr. Einer Ochoa, Spiritual Advisor :

I was born in Cenotillo, Yucatan, Mexico. I was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, on May 25, 1985 and I have been the pastor at St. Agnes Church in San Antonio, Texas since 2003. My vocation to the priesthood started as a child, I played at being a priest and celebrating Masses. I wanted to go to the seminary when I was 12 years old; my father, however, wanted me to first finish high school. I later graduated as a school teacher in Merida, the city capital of Yucatan State and worked in Mexico for 15 years before coming to the United States to join my family in San Bernardino, California in 1974. All Correspondence to: Postal address: ST AGATHA’S CHURCH ◊ Attn: OMCC 52 ORIEL RD ◊ CLAYFIELD, QLD, 4011 ◊ AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 7 3856 6887◊ Fax: +61 7 3137 0262 OMCC Executive: OMCC Coordinators: Yvonne Carrigan, President Rev Dr Adrian Farrelly, Sp Advisor Tam Nguyen, APG Margaret Morris, Secretary Hans Hans Perschtold, GECC Derek Moylan, Vice President Alberto Stang, GLCC Peter McMahon, Treasurer Gail Terrana, NACG I lived my Cursillo in February 1976 in Riverside, CA. Cursillo was significant for me because it awakened in me a desire to know and live my faith more deeply and seriously. As I grew stronger in my faith, I became more aware of my longings for the priesthood. One of my professors at San Bernardino Valley College, guided me to my first steps to the priesthood. In 1980, I entered Assumption Seminary and was ordained a priest in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. My priesthood has been enriched by the experiences in ministering to a number of religious groups and movements: Knights of Columbus, National Association of Hispanic Priests, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Marriage Encounter, San Andres USA, the Legion of Mary, Blue Army, Precious Blood devotion, Los Angeles de Maria, in Mexico (an association ministering to children with AIDS) and Servants of Jesus and Mary. In Cursillo, I served as Spiritual Advisor in the Archdiocese of San Antonio since 1997, I am Co-spiritual Advisor for Region 8 in the US and just recently served as National Spiritual Advisor to the US National Secretariat from July 2005 – November 2009. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, Pray for us! St Paul, Patron of Cursillo, pray for us!! DeColores!!

Gail Terrana, President :

I am married for 32 years to my husband Gary who is a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Buffalo and we live in Niagara Falls, NY. We have one son, Gary Michael who is married to Abigail and one beautiful granddaughter, Addison (almost 2 years old) who all live in South Carolina. I lived my Cursillo in 1986 and have been active in Diocesan, Regional, and National Secretariats. I just completed my service to the OMCC as Vice President in 2009.

Thank you to Gail and her committee for sharing with us. In our Group Reunions and Ultreya gatherings we are offered the perfect opportunity to give balance to our daily lives, particularly through the sharing of our Piety, Study and Action. We encourage you to continue faithfully to use these tools.

As I struggle to fulfill my personal Lenten goals, I pray that your Lenten disciplines give you encouragement and hope, both in your personal lives, and in the spreading of the Gospel through your Apostolic Action.

We look forward to ‘talking’ with you again very soon.

Your sister and friend in Christ,

Yvonne Carrigan, pres.

OMCC President


From our Spiritual Advisor

Ultreya was a word new to us when we lived our 3 days. It was another of those Spanish words that we had to learn. Enter the word in the translation service provided by Google and no English translation appears. Apparently because it is one of those utterances that are part of most languages that aren’t words yet are used to motivate people to keep going. We Australians are used to cheering on our national sporting teams with the chant: “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi! Oi! Oi! Ask Google to translate “Oi” and you will come up with nothing. Say the phrase within earshot of most Australians and they will know immediately what it means. It is used to encourage a team to do its best.

Two weeks into Lent can we hear the saints, the great crowd of witnesses of the letter to the Hebrews cheering us to do our best in fighting the good fight, in running the race that Paul uses as a description for life with all its challenges? Are we encouraging each other to embrace the spirit of this joyful season of grace when we apply ourselves to live the life of grace more fully and more recollectedly than we usually do?

This mutual encouraging is a key element not only at our Ultreyas but in our Group Reunions. Sharing our lives honestly with each other at these times we receive the encouragement we need to keep persevering with our response to God and our efforst to seek the well-being of those who are part of our lives.

We have been with Our Lord at the Transfiguration. We long for the future transfiguring of our own bodies when they become like his in glory. But, even here and now, our faces change and appear new to others as we come alive to how deeply God loves us. Our faces come alive when we see loved ones after a time of separation. The change needs no effort on our part. It just happens. So too with us and God. Let it happen and rejoice in it. And if anyone asks why the smile on our lips and the sparkle in our eyes, let them know. It may be just the message of encouragement they need to hear.

De Colores

Adrian Farrelly

Fr Adrian
Spiritual Advisor


History and establishment of the Asia/Pacific Group
OMCC Executive:
Yvonne Carrigan, President
Rev Dr Adrian Farrelly, Sp Advisor
Margaret Morris, Secretary
Derek Moylan, Vice President
Peter McMahon, Treasurer


OMCC Coordinators:
Tam Nguyen, APG
Hans Hans Perschtold, GECC
Alberto Stang, GLCC
Gail Terrana, NACG

February 17th 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ,

Thank you for your messages of congratulations, support and prayers. They are appreciated. Our first month as the OMCC Executive has gone swiftly. We are still learning but certainly moving ahead.

Our thanks to you for forwarding the OMCC Newsletter to the National Secretariats in your region. Our thanks to them for distributing it further afield. The Newsletter is the best way we have to fulfill our responsibilities as stated in the Statutes.

Everything is proceeding with the Statutes. Please remember that the deadline for National Secretariats to submit any addition or changes to your International Group is March 31st 2010

In the past month you may have had a request from your International Group Executive for an update of changes to National Secretariats. Your responses to this will be of great assistance to us as we update the contact Directory and the Website. The Directory will be published and sent to the International Groups for distribution when updating is complete. Thank you for your cooperation.

From August 31-September 5 this year the Congress of Asian Catholic Laity will be held in Seoul, Korea. The OMCC has been asked, through the Pontifical Council of the Laity, to respond to a questionnaire, and to form a 4 person delegation, whose members are from the Asian continent. We will keep you informed of plans for this visit.

Historical Overview of the Asia/Pacific Group (AGP)

This newsletter is an ideal opportunity for us to give an insight into the history and establishment of the Asia/Pacific Group of which Australia is an active member.

“The expansion of Cursillo to Asia and Oceania took place in the decade of the 60's, and it was in the 70's that the Cursillo Movement became firmly established in Asia, mainly in those countries facing the Pacific, including Australia.

At the III World Encounter in 1972 the proposal to create an "Ocean-Pacific Work Group" was first mentioned. However, it was some considerable time before this took place.<

The first Asian Cursillo Encounter was held on the island of Guam in 1983. The second was held in Taipai in 1987. The third was held in Caracas immediately before the IV World Encounter in 1988. The fourth was held in 1989 in Sri Lanka. It was not until the V Encounter, which was held in Hawaii in 1990 that the Asia Pacific Group was recognized by the OMCC as the 4th International Group member.

Countries which signed the original agreement were: Hawaii, Australia, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore, India, US Military in Okinawa and Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Guam and Macau. All member countries of the AP Region originally belonged to the International English Language Group.

The spread of the Cursillo movement throughout the Asia Pacific region

In 1963 the USA brought the Cursillo Movement to the Philippines and it was Filipino Cursillistas who played a very significant role in the spread of the movement into countries throughout the Pacific.

It was also in 1963 Cursillo was first reported amongst the Spanish community in New South Wales, Australia. Several Spanish speaking migrants who had been involved in the Cursillo Movement before migrating to Australia, conducted weekends for men and women in 1963 and 1964. However the USA provided a small team who were joined by Spanish Cursillistas who could speak English to conduct the first English speaking weekend in 1965.

The USA also brought Cursillo to Sri Lanka in 1964.

The CM in Hawaii began in 1965 when a few men were sent, with approval of the Bishop, to California to make a Cursillo. These were the people who brought Cursillo to Hawaii.

In 1965 Cursillo was introduced into Vietnam by a group of Filipino Cursillistas who served in the allied forces in South Vietnam. The first few Cursillos’ were given in English to the Vietnamese government officials and military personnel in Saigon and the movement quickly spread throughout South Vietnam until 1975 when the communists took over South Vietnam. Since 1975 many Cursillistas were amongst the refugees who settled in different countries throughout the world. Vietnam in Diaspora established a Cursillo Movement in Canada 1977, America 1981, Australia 1992, and France 1993. Vietnam in the Diaspora was granted official membership of the Asia Pacific Group in 1992.

In 1967 the CM was introduced into Korea by Filipino Cursillistas. 14 of them flew to Seoul in May, and conducted the first weekend in English. Within 3 years CM had spread out across the country.

1968 the first weekends were held in Taiwan and were introduced by a team of Filipino Cursillistas.

1968 the first Cursillo weekends were held in Japan, with a team from the USA. This was the first Cursillo in the world given through interpreters because neither the priest nor the team knew Japanese.

Cursillo weekends were also held in Thailand and on Guam for the first time in 1968. The movement was established in Singapore in 1971 and in 1988 a team of Cursillistas from Australia traveled to Singapore in an effort to re-establish the movement, however there were many difficulties and little is known of what has happened to the Singapore movement at this time.

A group from Guam visited Saipan to explore the possibility of extending the movement in the CNMI. Saipan sent 4 men and 4 women to Guam to attend a Cursillo weekend in October 1992. The first Cursillo weekends were held in Saipan in 1993.

In 1993 leaders from Korea came to Sydney, Australia to conduct Korean speaking men’s and women’s 3 days, and in June 2007 the Oceania Korean Cursillo Movement (in Australia) became a member of the Asia Pacific Group.

The US Military bases of Okinawa and Korea also have Cursillo Movements and are members of the Asia Pacific Group. India has been a member of AP Group, but contact has been lost and no details regarding history are available. Cursllistas from Taiwan have taken Chinese speaking Cursillo to the United States and weekends have been conducted in Los Angeles amd San Francisco.”

This is just a snapshot of the Asia/Pacific Group. Later we hope to introduce you to the current Executive members of this International Group.

Let us continue to pray for one another, remembering especially those countries affected by natural disasters. May the Spirit guide and protect you in the days ahead.

Until next month. De Colores!

Your sister in Christ,

Yvonne Carrigan. President/Speaker – OMCC Executive Committee


From our Spiritual Advisor

The season of Lent is almost upon us. For six weeks we prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of the Lord with prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The preparation is done best when we see ourselves responding to Christ alive and active in and through the Church. In fasting he leads us to know ourselves. How do we act when the bridegroom is taken away from us, when we do not sense or feel his presence? Do we hunger to know him better as we willingly abstain from food or other activities that nourish our lives, such as entertainment or sporting activities? In prayer we open the doors of our heart and patiently wait for the Lord to make himself known to us. In this patient waiting we acknowledge it is the Lord, not us. It is his timetable that dictates the meeting not ours.

In almsgiving we generously give of the material possessions we have so that others can benefit from the richness God allows us to call our own. In the giving away we proclaim that we are stewards entrusted with richness for the benefit of others as well as for our own legitimate needs. Walk well with the master over these weeks. Come to know better the sight of his face and the sound of his voice.


Fr Adrian


First letter of the incoming Executive of the OMCC in Australia


in Australia


  • Yvonne Carrigan
    - President
  • Adrian Farrelly
    - Spiritual Advisor
  • Margaret Morris
    - Secretary
  • Derek Moylan
    - Vice President
  • Peter McMahon
    - Treasurer

All correspondence to:

January  15th , 2010.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with both humility and honour that I write on behalf of the incoming Executive of the OMCC here in Australia!  We are looking forward to serving you all through our beloved Movement for the next four years.  Our keenest wish is that we continue the good work of our predecessors, and keep open the lines of loving friendship in the Lord.

The task ahead is daunting – we, in Australia, are so few in numbers and so young in this ancient world - but with every confidence in the prayers and support of our Brothers and Sisters throughout the world, we commence our journey!!

We take this opportunity to acknowledge with gratitude and love, the dedication of the outgoing executive of the OMCC – certainly a group of people ‘steeped’ in Cursillo.
Muchas gracias– thank you!  We pray for God’s richest blessings on you and your families.

To the incoming executive committees of the International Groups:
APG –Vietnam in Diaspora;  GECC –Austria; GLCC –Argentina;            NACG –USA.
We thank you for accepting your coordinating roles. We pray our friendship develops as we get to know one another and work together for unity and progress in our Movement.

les nouveaux responsables de l'omcc - 2010

From left to right : Margaret Morris, Secretary; Peter McMahon, Treasurer; Yvonne Carrigan, President; Derek Moylon, Vice President

This is our opportunity to introduce ourselves to you.

Peter McMahon will take the position of Treasurer.  Peter is a retired Public Servant, active in Parish circles, who spends his spare time on house renovations, while helping to care for his two grandchildren. He and his wife Denise have a son and a daughter. They lived their Cursillos in 1980 in the Diocese of Townsville. Peter has been actively involved ever since with School of Leaders; as a Diocesan and National President; and has worked on many other teams within the movement.  He was Lay Rector for the recent outreach to American Samoa. Peter and I are in the same weekly Group Reunion.

Derek Moylan, our vice President, and his wife Mavis, are originally from the United Kingdom, but have been “Aussies” for many years now. They too have a son and a daughter. Their Cursillo was in 1984.  Derek has also served as a Diocesan and National President; been an International representative for the Australian National Secretariat, attending World Ultreyas and Asia/Pacific Encounters. He is a member of a School of Leaders and has worked on Diocesan Cursillo teams.  Derek has his Group Reunion with four other Brothers-in-Christ in Newcastle where he lives.

Margaret Morris will be our enthusiastic and hard working Secretary. She is a widow with three children and ten grandchildren.  Her "lived" Cursillo was in 1976 and she has been attending Group Reunion, Ultreya and School of Leaders ever since. Margaret numbers many roles in her Cursillo involvement. She has been a Diocesan and National President; an international representative; has served on three outreach teams in the Asia/Pacific area as Lay Rectora. She has attended World Encounters, and a Cursillo of Cursillos in Mallorca. Margaret is currently a member of the Fundamental Ideas commission, and has worked nationally on the Statutes.
Her knowledge of the Movement is vast and here in Australia she has given the Movement generously her time and talent.

Our Spiritual Advisor will reveal his own story!  I, like Peter, am blessed to be a member of the same Group Reunion and we meet weekly at Father Adrian’s City office.

As for me – I feel a little like the ‘Grandmere’ of the Australian movement. My husband David and I lived our Cursillos at Men’s No 1 and Women’s No 1 in the Diocese of Townsville in 1972. We have five children and fourteen grandchildren. I attend a weekly Group Reunion, a monthly Ultreya, and the School of Leaders. The Movement has been my main apostolate, outside of my family, for the past thirty-seven years, and, thanks be to God, I am still learning.

I have been fortunate to meet brothers and sisters throughout Asia/Pacific as part of the coordinating committee of the Asia/Pacific area, and have attended World Ultreyas and a Cursillo of Cursillos in Mallorca.  As a member of secretariats, workshops and teams I have worked for the movement at various times and places, with Peter, Margaret, Derek and Fr Adrian. This then is our latest Grouping!!

It is our wish that in the future we will be able to create the opportunity for each of the International Groups to contribute, at least twice a year, to our monthly newsletter by way of ‘local news.’  This, of course, we will work out personally with the executive committees of each International Group.

For now, we ask that you pray we be guided always by the Holy Spirit, and that we keep foremost in our deliberations the good of the Movement in all instances.

God’s choicest blessings on you all and our good wishes for a contented and peaceful 2010.
De Colores

Yvonne Carrigan. President/Speaker – OMCC Executive Committee


From our Spiritual Advisor:

“Peace to his house and all who dwell therein” is a beautiful greeting used when entering a person’s home to bring them Holy Communion. It strikes me as most appropriate for this first newsletter from us as the new executive committee of the OMCC.

Worldwide we are a dwelling made of living stones aligned on Jesus. Together we share communion with the Trinity through Our Lord and continue his mission. As we say in one of the Eucharistic prayers, we exist to “complete his work on earth” and come ourselves “to the fullness of grace”. Peace is Our Lord’s gift to us and we treasure it and share it with others.

I am Father Adrian Farrelly, a priest of the Archdiocese of Brisbane. I lived my Cursillo three days in 1973. Since that time, I have served on teams in Australia, Canada (where I studied Canon Law from 1983 to 1987) and with outreach teams to New Zealand. I have served the Movement as the Archdiocesan Spiritual Advisor and the National Spiritual Advisor.
I am a member of the Fundamental Ideas commission and while I do not speak Spanish I have found that my comprehension comes alive when I attend meetings, especially the small writers’ group. Perhaps in the years ahead I can attain some level of fluency!

In addition to my involvement with the Movement, I am the pastor of an inner city parish here in Brisbane, the Judicial Vicar of the Regional Tribunal for the state of Queensland (one of the most beautiful states in Australia and one well worth visiting) and the Chancellor of the Archdiocese. I also enjoy playing golf and will gladly accompany any like-minded Cursillistas in pursuit of this sport!

As Yvonne said, we, the members of the executive Committee of the OMCC, are open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that the charism that brought forth this Movement will continue to find in all of us fertile soil in which to flourish.


Fr Adrian