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Cursillo-related Movements
> in various Christian Churches > The Journey to Damascus

The Journey to Damascus

The Journey to Damascus is an ecumenical movement under the direction of the Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi whose aim is to promote a renewal or rekindling of life's core religious values.

The original Journey to Damascus community was formed by a number of Catholics who had attended a "Walk To Emmaus" and who wanted to have more Catholics participate but understood the hesitancy of many to attend. This movement is being greatly supported and encouraged by members of the Methodist Emmaus, Episcopal Cursillo and Catholic Cursillo communities with the common goal being that we will all work together to make lives better.

The Journey To Damascus starts with a weekend that begins on a Thursday evening and ends Sunday afternoon. A program built around 13 presentations and interspersed with periods of discussions, worship and meditation fills the time. Your weekend lasts only three days but you are invited to build on it for the rest of your life, After the weekend, those who have attended are encouraged to meet regularly in small groups that challenge and support one another. They build on what began during their weekend. The aim is to inspire, challenge, and equip church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, workplaces and community

This resumy is an excerpt from the Journey to Damascus, Corpus Christi, TX website