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Cursillo-related Movements
> in various Christian Churches > Jubilee Journey

Jubilee Journey

Jubilee Journey was founded in 1995 by people seeking to share their Cursillo and Tres Dias experiences in a trans-denominational and trans-gender setting - a setting supported by no fourth-day organization existing at that time. The name is inspired by the Hebrew Year of Jubilee when debts are canceled and slaves are set free. As Michael Card so powerfully sings, "Jesus is our jubilee."

Jubilee Journey seeks to charter groups around the world to establish communities of worship, study and action after the manner of Cursillo. Beginning with three days at a retreat center, the Jubilee experience is intended to launch its participants into renewed and lifelong growth as Christian leaders in the tradition of other Fourth-Day movements and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

This resumy is an excerpt from the Jubilee Journey of Massachusetts website