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Cursillo-related Movements
> Youth Movements > Arcoiris

Arcoiris (Encuentros de Adolescentes Evangelizadores)

Arcoiris logoThe Cursillo Movement is at the origin of different Catholic Movements for Youth of Spanish expression, such as Jornadas de Vida Cristiana, Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil, and, among others, Cursillos Infantiles de colores, which has changed its name for Encuentros de Adolescentes Evangelizadores de ARCOIRIS (The Rainbow Encounters of Young Evangelizers)

The founders of Movimiento de Cursillos Infantiles de Colores are Flor and Eduardo. Realizing that little was done to evangelize youth in their environment, this couple, with the help of friends and Father Ignacio Ramirez, organized a first cursillo weekend for younsters on March 28, 1981, in the Parish of San José de la Colonia Educativa, in México, D.F. It was then called Cursillos Cristianos. After the third cursillo, the name changed to Movimiento de Cursillos Infantiles de colores.

Four years later, in 1985, the Bishop of Mexico, don Ezequiel,wanted the Movement to be independant from the Cursillos de Cristiandad Movement and suggested it be named Encuentros Evangelizadores Infantiles de Arcoiris. Finally, in 1988, the First "Reunión de Coordinadores a nivel Nacional" took place at San Luis Potosi, and at this Official National Meeting, the actual name was decided: "Encuentros de Adolescentes Evangelizadores de Arcoiris".

Today Arcoiris exist in a number of dioceses of Mexico and the United States. Among others, in the dioceses of: Morelia, Aguascalientes, Arizona, León, Zacatecas, Chiapas, México D.F., Matehuala, Hermosillo, San Luis Potosí, and Mexicali.

This information comes from pagina de Angel de Jesús Godoy Juárez. See also: Arcoiris Websites