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Cursillo-related Movements
> Youth Movements >Journey


Logo's Meaning

During the Crusades, the Jerusalem Cross, coat of arms for the Latin Kingdom in Jerusalem, was referred to as the "Crusaders Cross".  The four small crosses are symbolic of the four Gospels proclaimed to the four corners of the earth, beginning in Jerusalem; the large cross symbolizes the person of Christ.

Journey is a 3-day retreat based on the Cursillo method, offered to juniors and seniors at La Salle High School, in the Catholic Diocese of Milwaukie, MS.

It is a weekend of sharing, making new friends and enjoying time with old friends. Through interaction with peers, observation of proof of Christ's presence in each person's life and the constant reminder all weekend of how much each person is cared for, each and every participant comes away with a feeling of self worth and dignity.

This retreat is more than a weekend. It continues to change many young people's lives as they embark on their own life Journey. Many people cite Journey as the highlight of their high school years at La Salle.

History  (Search renamed Journey)

There have been many adaptations of Cursillo for youth. Search for Christian Maturity was one of the first youth retreats to grow out of the Cursillo movement. It came in the 1960's from the Catholic Youth Organization of San Francisco, California.

The Search program grew substantially at Central Catholic to the point that in 1991 thousands of students and former students had experienced the program. Mr. Kopra came to La Salle later in 1991. Here at La Salle he also started the Search program, although it did not catch on as much as it had at Central Catholic. It wasn't until Andy Kuffner and Molly Moreland (a former La Salle teacher) came to La Salle in the fall of 1996 that it really caught on and was renamed Journey.

The first Journey was held in January of 1997 with 25 students and 11 adults at the Lewis River campground near Battleground, Washington. From then on, the Journey program at La Salle has been growing steadily. Currently, there are over 700 alumni and current students who have experienced Journey. It has become so popular that students are now asked to sign up to attend the Journey retreat at the start of the school year. The Journey retreat has changed some since Journey 1 in January 1997, but it still continues to touch the hearts and minds of all who participate.

Excerpt from the Journey - At La Salle Milwaukie  website