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Cursillo-related Movements
> Youth Movements >Tirosh


Meaning of the name

"Tirosh" is the Hebrew word for "new wine".   The symbolism of new wine has rich meaning in both the Old and New Testaments.  It is associated with God's grace, abundant blessings and new life in Jesus Christ. Hence the name was chosen because it symbolizes God's grace and blessings in a new life in Jesus Christ

Tirosh is a Lutheran Teen Movement, open to all youth from 9th grade to age 20. It has its roots deeply planted in the Cursillo/Via de Cristo Movement, and it is similar in that it is also a three-day spiritual retreat that provides the participants the opportunity to expand their faith, to experience Christian love and support, and to renew their commitment to Jesus Christ.

The content of the three days focuses on God's grace, how to experience Jesus Christ as friend, Savior and Lord, and how to respond to Christ's call to discipleship.  Participants hear talks given by youth, adults and pastors, focusing on the needs of maturing youth and offering the message of the Gospel. and the friendship and example of Jesus Christ.  Filve talks are given each day followed by discussion and reflection on how the message is helpful to personal faith.  Friendship with Jesus is explored to help youth live their faith with family, friends and community.

Following the three-day retreat, participants are invited to live out their faith through local church participation, "sharing groups" (an informal weekly gathering of two or more teens who share their faith and his/her life in the areas of prayer, study and action) and the "Harvest" (a larger group than sharing groups, building a Christian community on a wider basis.    

This information is from the "Southern Arizona Lutheran Tirosh" page.  See: Tirosh websites.