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Cursillo-related Movements
> Youth Movements >ECOS

ECOS (Encuentros de Comunicación Oración y Servicio)

The Catholic Movement ECOS - Encuentros de Comunicación Oración y Servicio (Spanish expression meaning "Encounters dealing with Communication, Prayer and Service") is identical to the Movement Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil (EPJ) except that this latteepj.htmr is for Young Adults while ECOS is for Adolescents. In fact, ECOS has developed within EPJ as part of its apostolate and both can be considered as one Movement.

ECOS therefore is largely inspired by the Cursillo Movement: it makes possible to Adolescents the living-out and mutual sharing of what is fundamental for being a Christian, creates nuclei of Adolescents who will engage in leavening their environments with the Gospel and it helps participants to fully realize their vocation, their leadership and their personality.

The above summary is based on Ecos Hermosilolo