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Cursillo-related Movements
> Youth Movements > R3


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R3 and La Flambée

R3 has some similarities with another Movement for Catholic youth in French Canada called "La Flambée".  One of these similarities is the fact that it is usually in pairs with "La Relève", a movement for teens (14-18) serving as an antechamber to R-cube.  The same way as La Flambée is paired with "L'Étincelle".  The similitude between "R3-La Relève" and "La Flambée-L'Étincelle" makes it so that in most dioceses where the French-speaking Cursillo Movement exists, you will find either one of these tandem, but seldom both at the same time.

R3 (pronounce R-cube) is a Catholic Movement for young adults, found in many French-speaking dioceses in the eastern part of Canada, specially in the dioceses of Gatineau/Hull, Joliette, Mont Laurier, Rimouski, Sherbrooke, St-Hyacinthe & Valleyfield.  It has its roots in the Cursillo Movement.

The "R" in R3 refers to the French word "Rencontre" meaning "Encounter".  Hence "R-cube" stands for the triple encounter experienced during their weekend as in the cursillo :

  1. Encounter with self: to discover our ourselves and our own worth on a more fundamental level;
  2. Encounter with God: to experience de presence and love of Jesus-Christ;
  3. Encounter with others: to learn to better communicate with friends, companions and family members and to become aware of what a loving and caring Christian community can bring to the world.

After the weekend, "R-cubists" get together regularly to deepen these encounters and help each other to respond to the invitation of God's love